07:30 o'clock in the morning I arrived d campus. as usual lecture begins at 8 am. The first course was the quality of midwifery services. before the lecture at the start of the responsible person to contact the course lecturer and prepare for classes that will be in use. if the lecturer is ready we entered the classroom. schedule is miss Tutik professor. but ill miss Tutik so can not be taught.
finally agreed to contact the class lecturer subsequently miss anise. because miss anise agree to teach so that we learn midwifery community.
accordance with the agreement we had to present a paper that we have made. My group gets the first chance to present. my group discusses the social and cultural behaviors that affect the community midwifery. discusses the customs that are still done in societies in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum.
during pregnancy, for example, there is a ceremony performed for the safety of the fetus as Mitoni. there during childbirth customs fatimah drinking water the grass roots in order to make the delivery smoothly. customs are in fact no effect on pregnancy or even cause an infection because it may not clean. at parturition there tidah customs may eat a fishy like fish, meat and others.
actual parturition requires adequate nutrients such as protein to speed the recovery process.
so as health professionals we should give guidance to those societies that tradition may be done if the tradition is not harmful, but if the harm to mother or child seabiknya not done.
Minggu, 11 April 2010
07:30 o'clock in the morning I arrived d campus. as usual lecture begins at 8 am. The first course was the quality of midwifery services. before the lecture at the start of the responsible person to contact the course lecturer and prepare for classes that will be in use. if the lecturer is ready we entered the classroom. schedule is miss Tutik professor. but ill miss Tutik so can not be taught.
finally agreed to contact the class lecturer subsequently miss anise. because miss anise agree to teach so that we learn midwifery community.
accordance with the agreement we had to present a paper that we have made. My group gets the first chance to present. my group discusses the social and cultural behaviors that affect the community midwifery. discusses the customs that are still done in societies in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum.
during pregnancy, for example, there is a ceremony performed for the safety of the fetus as Mitoni. there during childbirth customs fatimah drinking water the grass roots in order to make the delivery smoothly. customs are in fact no effect on pregnancy or even cause an infection because it may not clean. at parturition there tidah customs may eat a fishy like fish, meat and others.
actual parturition requires adequate nutrients such as protein to speed the recovery process.
so as health professionals we should give guidance to those societies that tradition may be done if the tradition is not harmful, but if the harm to mother or child seabiknya not done.
finally agreed to contact the class lecturer subsequently miss anise. because miss anise agree to teach so that we learn midwifery community.
accordance with the agreement we had to present a paper that we have made. My group gets the first chance to present. my group discusses the social and cultural behaviors that affect the community midwifery. discusses the customs that are still done in societies in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum.
during pregnancy, for example, there is a ceremony performed for the safety of the fetus as Mitoni. there during childbirth customs fatimah drinking water the grass roots in order to make the delivery smoothly. customs are in fact no effect on pregnancy or even cause an infection because it may not clean. at parturition there tidah customs may eat a fishy like fish, meat and others.
actual parturition requires adequate nutrients such as protein to speed the recovery process.
so as health professionals we should give guidance to those societies that tradition may be done if the tradition is not harmful, but if the harm to mother or child seabiknya not done.
Kamis, 08 April 2010
what is the meaning of"partus macet"?
Partus macet adalah suatu keadaan dari suatu persalinan yang mengalami kemacetan dan berlangsung lama sehingga timbul komplikasi ibu maupun janin (anak).
Partus macet merupakan persalinan yang berjalan lebih dari 24 jam untuk primigravida dan atau 18 jam untuk multi gravida.
Penyebab persalinan lama diantaranya adalah kelainan letak janin, kelainan panggul, kelainan keluaran his dan mengejan, terjadi ketidakseimbangan sefalopelfik, pimpinan persalinan yang salah dan primi tua primer atau sekunder.
1.Keadaan Umum ibu
Dehidrasi, panas
Meteorismus, shock
Anemia, oliguri
His lemah
Gerak janin tidak ada
Janin mudah diraba
Denyut jantung janin, takikardia, irreguler, negatif (jika janin sudah mati)
4.Pemeriksaan dalam
Keluar air ketuban yang keruh dan berbau bercamput dengan mekonium
Bagian terendah anak sukar digerakkan, mudah didorong jika sudah terjadi rupture uteri
Suhu rectal lebih tinggi 37,50 c
Kehamilan / persalinan dengan infeksi ektra genital, disini suhu aksila lebih tinggi dari rectal dan ketuban biasanya masih utuh
1.Infeksi sampai sepsis
2.asidosis dengan gangguan elektrolit
3.dehidrasi, syock, kegagalan fungsi organ-organ
4.robekan jalan lahir
5.fistula buli-buli, vagina, rahim dan rectum
1.Gawat janin dalam rahim sampai meninggal
2.lahir dalam asfiksia berat sehingga dapat menimbulkan cacat otak menetap
3.trauma persalinan, fraktur clavicula, humerus, femur
Partus macet adalah suatu keadaan dari suatu persalinan yang mengalami kemacetan dan berlangsung lama sehingga timbul komplikasi ibu maupun janin (anak).
Partus macet merupakan persalinan yang berjalan lebih dari 24 jam untuk primigravida dan atau 18 jam untuk multi gravida.
Penyebab persalinan lama diantaranya adalah kelainan letak janin, kelainan panggul, kelainan keluaran his dan mengejan, terjadi ketidakseimbangan sefalopelfik, pimpinan persalinan yang salah dan primi tua primer atau sekunder.
1.Keadaan Umum ibu
Dehidrasi, panas
Meteorismus, shock
Anemia, oliguri
His lemah
Gerak janin tidak ada
Janin mudah diraba
Denyut jantung janin, takikardia, irreguler, negatif (jika janin sudah mati)
4.Pemeriksaan dalam
Keluar air ketuban yang keruh dan berbau bercamput dengan mekonium
Bagian terendah anak sukar digerakkan, mudah didorong jika sudah terjadi rupture uteri
Suhu rectal lebih tinggi 37,50 c
Kehamilan / persalinan dengan infeksi ektra genital, disini suhu aksila lebih tinggi dari rectal dan ketuban biasanya masih utuh
1.Infeksi sampai sepsis
2.asidosis dengan gangguan elektrolit
3.dehidrasi, syock, kegagalan fungsi organ-organ
4.robekan jalan lahir
5.fistula buli-buli, vagina, rahim dan rectum
1.Gawat janin dalam rahim sampai meninggal
2.lahir dalam asfiksia berat sehingga dapat menimbulkan cacat otak menetap
3.trauma persalinan, fraktur clavicula, humerus, femur
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